Troubleshooting "Android WiFi Saved but Not Connecting" Issue

Troubleshooting "Android WiFi Saved but Not Connecting" Issue

Blog Article

If you’ve ever tried to connect your Android phone to WiFi and found it saying “saved” but not actually connecting, you’re not alone. This is a common issue that many users face. It can be frustrating when your phone remembers the network but just won’t connect, leaving you without internet access. But don’t worry—there are several ways to fix this "Android WiFi saved but not connecting" problem.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the possible causes and solutions to help get your WiFi working again.

What Does "WiFi Saved" Mean on Android?

When your phone says a WiFi network is "saved," it means that your device remembers the network’s information, like the SSID (network name) and password. However, the device isn’t connected yet. The phone might try to connect, but for some reason, it fails. This is why you’ll see the network listed as "saved" but not active or connected.

Common Reasons for "WiFi Saved but Not Connecting"

  1. Incorrect WiFi Password

    • Sometimes, the saved password might be wrong, especially if it has been changed. Even though the network is saved, if the password is outdated or incorrect, your phone won’t connect.

  2. Weak WiFi Signal

    • If the WiFi signal is too weak, your Android phone might struggle to connect to the network, even though it’s saved. This is more likely if you’re far away from the router.

  3. IP Address Conflict

    • When multiple devices try to use the same IP address on a network, it can cause connection issues. This IP conflict could result in your Android device failing to connect.

  4. Network Configuration Problems

    • The router or network could have issues with configurations such as DHCP or static IP settings, preventing your device from connecting even though it recognizes the network.

  5. Outdated Software or Bugs

    • Outdated Android versions or software bugs can sometimes interfere with your phone’s ability to connect to a WiFi network. These bugs might cause connection problems, even when the network is saved.

How to Fix "Android WiFi Saved but Not Connecting"

Let’s go through some steps to troubleshoot this issue and get your Android device connected to WiFi again.

1. Forget the WiFi Network and Reconnect

One of the simplest solutions is to forget the network and reconnect. Here’s how:

  • Open Settings on your phone.

  • Go to WiFi & Network or Connections.

  • Tap on the saved network and select Forget.

  • Reconnect by selecting the network again and entering the correct password.

2. Check for Correct Password

Ensure that the password you’re using to connect is correct. If the network administrator has recently changed the password, your saved credentials may be outdated. Double-check the password and try reconnecting with the updated details.

3. Restart Your Android Phone and Router

A simple restart can often fix network-related issues. Restart your Android device by holding down the power button and selecting Restart. You should also restart your WiFi router by turning it off for about 30 seconds and then turning it back on.

4. Move Closer to the WiFi Router

If the WiFi signal is weak, try moving closer to the router. Weak signals can prevent a stable connection, especially if there are physical barriers like walls between your device and the router.

5. Use Static IP Configuration

In some cases, switching from DHCP to a static IP can solve the problem. Here’s how to do it:

  • Go to Settings > WiFi & Network.

  • Tap the WiFi network, then tap Advanced Options.

  • Under IP Settings, change from DHCP to Static.

  • Manually enter an IP address, such as, making sure it doesn’t conflict with other devices on the network.

6. Update Your Android Software

Outdated software can cause network issues. Make sure your Android device is up to date:

  • Go to Settings > System > Software Update.

  • Check for updates and install any available updates.

  • Once updated, try connecting to the WiFi network again.

7. Reset Network Settings

If none of the above solutions work, you might need to reset your phone’s network settings. This will delete all saved WiFi networks and Bluetooth connections, so be prepared to re-enter your WiFi credentials. Here’s how:

  • Go to Settings > System > Reset Options.

  • Select Reset WiFi, Mobile & Bluetooth.

  • Confirm the reset and try reconnecting to WiFi afterward.

8. Factory Reset the Router

If the issue seems to be with the router and not your phone, try resetting the router to its factory settings. Most routers have a small reset button that you can press for 10-30 seconds. Once reset, reconfigure your WiFi settings and try reconnecting.

9. Contact Your Internet Service Provider (ISP)

If the problem persists, it’s worth contacting your ISP to check for any network-wide issues. They can assist in diagnosing the issue and guide you through troubleshooting your connection.

Final Thoughts

The "Android WiFi saved but not connecting" issue can be frustrating, but in most cases, it’s easy to fix with some basic troubleshooting steps. Whether it’s forgetting and reconnecting to the network, updating your software, or adjusting your IP settings, there’s usually a straightforward solution to the problem.

By following the steps above, you should be able to solve this issue and get your WiFi working properly on your Android device. Stay tuned to TekPuk for more tech tips, troubleshooting guides, and tech updates to help you navigate your devices with ease.

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